The March 2010 average residential sales price of $180,069 represents a 6.01% increase over last month, a 5.38% increase over last quarter (3 months ago), and a 2.58% decrease over March of 2009. Although we're close, we have not broken through the low hit in January 2009. After about 18 months of finding news lows every month, we have spent the last 13 months supporting the low found in January 2009.
The Average Residential Sales Price represents the average sales price of closed residential sale transactions as reported through the MLS for single family homes, townhomes, condominiums, and villas. As noted on the GTAR website, these figures do not represent private sales or new construction sales unless entered into MLS. This is only one of many available indicators, but taken consistently over time, provides a good view of residential market activity.
The reality of what we've been through - The March 2010 average residential sales price represents a 26.11% decrease from 2 years ago, a 36.26% decrease from 3 years ago, and a 42.35% decrease from the high of $312, 356 hit in July 2006. It is encouraging to see what appears to be tremendous support at this average sales price
will things get better or worse? what is your take. I believe that we are doing the right things to get the market back where it should be however because we are so deep in the hole it will take a long time for us to get back to normal, my prediction is late 2011.
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